Dr. Tor Lam Huat sees Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s appointment as Prime Minister as a blessing for Malaysia’s future

【Dr. Tor Lam Huat sees Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s appointment as Prime Minister as a blessing for Malaysia’s future】

Kuala Lumpur – Dr. Tor Lam Huat, the founder of the Modern Confucianism Foundation and a well-known Confucian entrepreneur in Singapore, expressed his optimism for Malaysia’s Kerajaan Perpaduan and believes that Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s appointment as Prime Minister is a blessing for the country.

“Known for his moderate and enlightened leadership, Anwar Ibrahim is seen as a much-needed leader who can focus on poverty eradication, improving the economy, and leading Malaysia out of its challenges,” said Dr. Tor Lam Huat.

He pointed out that, with the continuing economic downturn in the international economic environment and the ethnic atmosphere in Malaysia, it can be foreseen that Malaysia will face many challenges in near future. Therefore, Malaysia needs leaders like Anwar Ibrahim who will focus on eliminating poverty, improving the economy, and leading Malaysia out of its difficulties.

Dr. Tor Lam Huat, who donated SGD10 million to establish the Modern Confucianism Foundation to promote Modern Confucius, believes that “Confucianism is scientific, innovative, pragmatic, practical, and truthful”. He emphasized that modern Confucianism is a practical discipline that represents a wealth of wisdom beyond time and space.

He said that Confucius proposed in the “Great Unity World” that “one should not only respect and serve one’s own parents, but also those of others; one should not only care for and look after one’s own children, but also those of others.”

He expressed these views during a recent visit to the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall (KLCAH). He was also invited to visit the new Head Quarter of the KLCAH located at MAJU LINK, accompanied by KLCAH President Datuk Seri Dr KK Chai.

KLCAH will also plan to invite Dr. Tor Lam Huat to share his experience and insights from over 20 years of studying Confucianism, in order to allow members and the public to participate in promoting Confucianism, while also sharing his successful experiences in the business world.

KLCAH is committed to fostering ongoing communication with business and social organizations from neighboring and foreign countries, and look forward to participating in further exchange meetings in the near future.

【Anwar’s Global Vote of Confidence
Malaysians Urged to Allow More Time for Results】

KLCAH President Datuk Seri Dr KK Chai said, KLCAH has a pool of talented individuals, including its advisory board, council members, group members, and individual members, many of whom are successful entrepreneurs and leaders with experience and representation in various associations.

“We are always open to communicate with business and social organizations from neighboring and foreign countries. As such, we will continue to establish more exchange meetings in the future.”

He said, KLCAH will also have more exchanges and communication with the Modern Confucius Foundation in the future, including setting up a “Modern Confucianism” unit at the KLCAH HQ to help promote Confucianism as the purpose of establishing the Modern Confucius Foundation is to promote the original and authentic modern Confucianism, improve people’s quality, and help the world.

He cited an example that “DO NOT DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU DON’T WANT TO BE DONE TO YOU” is not only the principle for being a good person but also the principle for entrepreneurship. If one goes against this principle, the outcome is often disastrous. In politics, the core content of Confucian political thought is ‘ritual’ and ‘benevolence,’ advocating ‘ruling the country with virtue.’ Governing the country with morality and rituals is the noblest way of governance, and these are the wisdom that politicians should learn.

“Confucius held that if there was one word that could serve as a guide throughout one’s life, it should be ‘forgiveness’. He said: ‘Do not do to others what you don’t want to be done to you’. The ‘forgiveness’ he referred to, means putting oneself in the position of others, and refraining from forcing others to do what one does not want to do. This is a basic principle for conducting oneself in life and dealing with affairs. Confucius held the view that a person should help others to attain the goals they are starving toward; if he does not want others to treat him in a certain way, he himself should be the first not to treat others that way. In short, you try to understand and treat others by putting yourself in their shoes.”

On the other hand, Dr. KK Chai also pointed out that after Anwar took office as Prime Minister for 100 days, Malaysia has been highly regarded by foreign and international communities, and the evaluations are all positive and optimistic, which plays a crucial role in attracting foreign investment and economic recovery in our country.

“I hope that Malaysians will also give Anwar and the government more time because reform and new policies, including the recently tabled 2023 budget, not only need time to implement but also time to see results.”

Recently, he has had the opportunity to meet with numerous foreign individuals and envoys and has been pleased to discover that they hold positive expectations for Anwar’s government, evaluating it highly and expressing confidence in its leadership. These remarks have been truly uplifting.

“At this crucial juncture, it is imperative that Malaysians band together and work towards a brighter future for their nation. We must safeguard our country’s diversity and firmly reject any extremist agendas that seek to divide our nation and disrupt our unity and harmony”, said Dr. KK Chai.