Central Asian Countries Express Confidence in Malaysia’s Unity Government and Seek to Strengthen Bilateral Ties

Central Asian countries are confident in the ruling of the Malaysian unity government. Besides hoping to strengthen bilateral trade and investment between their countries and Malaysia, they also aim to enhance cultural exchanges with Malaysia and are ready to provide technical and financial assistance for Malaysia’s green technology and environmental sectors.
Recently, the President of the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall (KLCAH), Datuk Seri Dr KK Chai, specially arranged for representatives from Central Asian countries, namely Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan, to made a courtesy visit to the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Seri Mahadi Bin Che Ngah, to meet and exchange ideas.
The Kazakhstan representative, Mr Turarkhan Kurmanbekov, the Uzbekistan representative, Mr Anvar Mirzaev, and the Kyrgyzstan representative, Mr Amanbek Duishenov, were present at the meeting.
During the meeting, Mr Turarkhan Kurmanbekov pointed out that his country has sufficient confidence in the stable economic prospects of Malaysia and is, therefore, ready to cooperate with the Malaysian government and Kuala Lumpur City Hall to promote various environmental agendas, including recycling, river cleaning, and environmental rehabilitation.
“In today’s era of globalization, there are no borders between countries, particularly in the area of environmental issues where there are no national boundaries. Any environmental disaster can have the same impact on different countries. Therefore, the international community must cooperate to address this issue.”
Mr Anvar Mirzaev also pointed out that he has close connections with many former Kuala Lumpur mayors in the past and has maintained a close relaltionship with Malaysia. Therefore, he hopes that his country can continue to maintain a good bilateral relationship with Malaysia.
“I will also continue to promote investment and tourism from Central Asian countries to Malaysia in order to facilitate the economic and cultural development of both sides.”
On the other hand, Datuk Seri KK Chai pointed out that there are many intersections between Central Asian countries and Malaysia in terms of culture and history. Uzbekistan, in particular, is one of the regions with the richest world heritage sites. Therefore, he encouraged more Malaysians to travel to Uzbekistan for in-depth tourism and also hoped that representatives from Central Asian countries would encourage more of their citizens to visit and invest in Malaysia.
“These countries are predominantly Muslim or have a Muslim population, which is similar to the official religion in Malaysia. There are also many similarities in terms of food and culture. Therefore, it is certain that bilateral trade between Malaysia and these countries is feasible and beneficial.”
He also emphasized that Malaysia and Central Asian countries are important partner countries of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). When the BRI was proposed, Malaysia was among the first to support it, and it also received positive responses from Central Asian countries. These countries have developed docking strategies based on their own economic development characteristics, resource advantages, and location advantages, and have established close cooperation with countries along the BRI in energy, infrastructure, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, finance, trade, science, technology, and culture.
“KLCAH hopes to continue to be a bridge for Kuala Lumpur to the outside world, attracting foreign investors to invest in Kuala Lumpur, bringing substantial foreign investment to the country, increasing the income of local businesses, and continuing to assist in promoting Malaysia’s tourism industry to help the country and businesses recover from the post-COVID-19 pandemic period.”
Datuk Seri Dr KK Chai is also the founder and CEO of the KK Group. He said that KK Group recently jointly launched a series of “Rahmah” activities with the Minister of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub, and received very good responses.
During his discussion with Kuala Lumpur Mayor Datuk Seri Mahadi Bin Che Ngah, he expressed his agreement with the government’s “Rahmah” initiative to assist low-income groups and families, and emphasized that the group would strengthen its cooperation, including setting up more convenience stores in low-income communities, namely PPR areas so that “Rahmah” products can effectively reach the target groups in need.
He said that since the government announced the implementation of the “Rahmah” initiative, it has received enthusiastic responses from all walks of life, and many businesses and supermarkets have also gradually participated in this plan to provide the most practical assistance to vulnerable groups, including KK supermarkets, which fully support the government’s call to help low-income and poor families reduce their pressure on high living costs.
“We have always hoped to cooperate with the government’s efforts to assist the people in reducing the pressure of high living costs, especially for the B40 and poor groups who need more attention.”
He also reiterated that society both domestically and internationally have confidence in the unity government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, but the prosperity and the unity of a country cannot be achieved solely by the efforts of the government, but rather requires the cooperation of the private sector and the Rakyat, with the government assisting each other to achieve the goal.
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